Sunday, April 27, 2014


I was invited to teach a lesson on zentangles at Crone Middle School in Naperville. My friend Sandy Knight has a STEAM club after school where her students explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Creating a zentangle is a way to combine art and math by using repeating, structured  patterns to create beautiful images.

I created a work sheet with zentangle information with 2 boxes on the bottom for creating zentangles. 

We looked at zentangle examples...

then we drew lines called strings in our framed area to break up the space so we could add pattern called tangles into each section.

Creating the tangles requires focus and concentration.

After the students learned how to make a simple zentangle on the work sheet, they got a box template that Mrs. Knight printed on green card stock. (Thank you for the box template) Students created zentangles on each section, cut it out and folded it into a dimensional box.

Thanks Mrs. Knight for inviting me to your school!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to inspire us with zentangles. We will have a great skill to use on our new 3D models that students started designing.
